IndieGAL 2023

This year, like a few before, I am taking part in the awesome IndieGAL. It’s a great event hosted on Ravelry promoting the talents of many independent designers of knitwear or crochet. At the start of the event you can get 25% discount on 20 of each participating designers’ patterns, but the best part of this event is the knit a long that follows over the next month. Knit as many of the eligible patterns as you wish and you have a chance of winning prizes galore. The code to claim your discount is indiegal2023.
Are you planning on taking part?

Here are some of my favourite patterns from designers taking part. These are all direct links to Ravelry.

This is some of the adorable patterns by Affiknity Knits. Anjali creates cute designs for kids and great accessories for adults! Here’s a link to her pattern store on Ravelry:

Very sweet designs from Patchwork Moose. If I ever learn to crochet, these will be at the top of the list! Here is a link to their pattern site on Ravelry:

Susanne of SOSUknits has an amazing eye for colour. I just adore the combinations in her images! Check out more of her work on her Ravelry designer page:

I’ve never been one for designing shawls so it’s good there are other designers that are really good at just that! Check out Leela’s awesome work here:

Socks are also beyond me, but there are so many amazing designers that create brilliant patterns to make socks. Amongst them is Nicole Simmons and her work can be viewer here:

Want to make your own Christmas decorations? Check out these cute crochet patterns! Everything from reindeer to Santa to tiny elves. We’ll be ready for you, Christmas!

Just wow! Such gorgeous use of mosaic knitting and absolutely elevated through the choice of a natural neutral colour palette. More patterns can be found on Cheryl Faust’s Ravelry page:

I really like Amy of Barouqe Purls’ designs and the little tree cones she just realised are really quite something. Check out all her work here:

I’ve long been an admirer of Faye’s work. Those bunny ear slippers are just incredibly adorable. My daughter might just need a pair for Christmas. And maybe I do too…

Gorgeous, size inclusive designs from Kat, the designer behind Mooreville Chalk. Check out her colourful and interesting designs here:

I hope you feel inspired to take part in the event. Come join the chat, take part in a competition and maybe even win a prize! Hope ti see you there!